
explain feature

Making complex technology simple

Showing clients the art of the possible

One must never assume that a client will understand new technology and its impact on their lives.

Often we use the car as an analogy and explanation of what’s possible. When purchasing a car, we are very aware of the systems that are available both as a standard fit and as options and we should use this same approach when designing our homes.

One would not dream of buying a car without electric windows, air conditioning, centralised control of lighting and integration with audio and visual systems. Imagine going back to the days of a key to unlock the car and window winders.

In a sense our homes and businesses have remained stuck in time, perhaps the limited competition from major house builders is a reason for this. Stock homes with pendant lights, an aerial feed and no centralised control have been the norm and we have not considered the implication of our main purchase and investment having such limited technology.

The ability to send music from our own devices like phones and tablets direct to hidden speakers in any room would greatly enhance our lives and enjoyment of our homes, this is a standard fit in our cars but rarely seen in home design. Why can’t we switch off all the lights in our homes at the touch of a button or by using a simple voice command through Google, Alexa or Siri like in our cars? We can even select side, dimmed or main beam on our car headlights but are often limited to just on and off in our homes where bespoke lighting control with pre-set scenes would be a revelation.

Many of these systems are equally beneficial either at home or at work.

We will explain what is possible, what is practical and what is required to ensure that you understand the potential of your home and when delivered we will ensure that it is simple to operate and understand.


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